more about me!

hello! welcome to my extended about. for starters, i suppose i will list my actual labels beyond queer: abrosexual, polyamorous, transsexual, intersex, objectum, & transfemmasc. i am also disabled, im not too closed off about what i deal with, but i also dont list them outright anywhere public. you interact with me anywhere for long enough, im sure youll see me notice something offhand. i will state that i am autistic publicly, and deal with moderate chronic pain, but that's about it.

my life aint that interesting besides the shitty childhood, and thats for a therapist to know, not you. im a part time worker at a restaurant. im still working on getting my license. i have 4 cats i love dearly, along with a boyfriend (who i also love of course). we've been together since 11.03.2020 and hopefully have many decades ahead of us. outside of work i am pretty much a shut in, most of my time is spent blogging, gaming, drawing, or coding. i do have a DnD campaign i attend that i have fun with, its my first one and my character was admittedly rushed so im not too attached to him. however.. i may start posting more about my campaigns in the future.

ive been told i come off standoffish or blunt but i promise im fun! im just a bit stiff around people i dont know. and around people i do know. i kinda suck at socializing but 9/10 times if i come off hostile im not meaning to, its just how i word things. you can always ask for clarification, but i am pretty straightforward about my feelings towards people

im a taurus, snake (chinese zodiac), ENTP, 4w5, melancholic, dark/psychic type. i may add more personality bits here as time goes on

i live in the midwest U.S. (EST) and have for over half my life. my sense of fashion depends on several factors. i love punk clothing, goth styles (especially fetish, mall, and traditional), and gyaru styles (amekaji, agejo, and rokku are my favorites); however i am too broke and have no space for any new clothes and so my current "style" just looks haphazard. i collect pokemon plushies, and i used to collect cool glass bottles but i currently have no space.

want to contact me directly? email me at or reach me on msn i have a matrix as well, find me there ^_^ i have a discord, but i don't like listing it publicly. however, if we've chatted a bit, do feel free to ask!

check out my identity >:3
abrosexual, alien, anarchist, anomalous, bear, boy lover, boygirl, communist, eccentric, effeminate, fagdyke, fat, femme, fetishist, flamer, furry, gender anarchist, girl lover, in transition, intersex, objectum, otherkin, queer, shapeshifter, shark, therian, trannyfag, transsexual, transspecies
Who are you?

video of the moment:

likes: my bf, my special interests, sharks, sci fi, making OCs, doing what i want, swimming, stargazing
dislikes: terminally online discourse, taylor swift, capitalism, bigotry, broccoli, authoritative figures

the water droplets falling are from kawiku on deviantart (link to the original post). the icon and pokesona images are my art :3

badges, clubs, and quizzes!

i will add more stuff here in the future, here's these for now!
america anarcho-communism april taurus candy addict dew addict fuck fatphobia feminism firefox freak goldfish half mountain dew half dr pepper homo i love my cat radiohead sonic winamp
hot in love angel kitty naughty fiend gloomy weird unique twisted
fagdyke disabled intersex fat lawful neutral leftist object lover weirdo

my teacup..

a teacup with a shark fin poking out, an ocean in the cup, and a rainbow/trans-bow in the background tastes like the everchanging sea (and perhaps... fruity?)

other teacups!

my fizzy drink..

a bottle filled with a gradient pink/purple drink tastes like the void of space.. and lemony

other drinks!

What Dere Type Are You?
What Dere Type Are You?
Hosted By Anime
What Lucky Star Character Are You?
What Lucky Star Character Are You?
Hosted By Anime
Which Vocaloid Are You?
Which Vocaloid Are You?
Hosted By Anime
which madoka magica girl r u ?
which madoka magica girl r u ?
Hosted By Anime
Which Jewelpet Are You?
Which Jewelpet Are You?
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Which Of The Mane Six Are You?
Which Of The Mane Six Are You?
Hosted By Anime

What Flavour Are You? Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.

I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You?

What Sailor Scout Are You?
What Sailor Scout Are You?
Hosted By Anime
What Style Fits You?
What Style Fits You?
Hosted By Anime
Which Puyo Puyo Character Are You?
Which Puyo Puyo Character Are You?
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Which Junji Ito Character Are You?
Which Junji Ito Character Are You?
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Which Bleach Captain Are You?
Which Bleach Captain Are You?
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Which Pokemon Villain Are You?
Which Pokemon Villain Are You?
Hosted By Anime
Which Inuyasha Character are You?
Which Inuyasha Character are You?
Hosted By Anime
Ottava rima? Me? That can't be right!
   Too frivolous? But tut, there's no such thing!
Let others ponder thoughts of wrong and right,
   Or sit and think how much they love the spring;
I'd rather spend my time in gleeful spite,
   Or maybe laugh, or maybe sit and sing.
Besides, it might be fun to be inspiring -
But surely it would get so very tiring.
What Poetry Form Are You?

What Anime Hair Color Would You Have?
What Anime Hair Color Would You Have?
Hosted By Anime
What Genre Of Manga Are You?
What Genre Of Manga Are You?
Hosted By Anime
Which Hatsune Miku Nendoroid Model Are You?
Which Hatsune Miku Nendoroid Model Are You?
Hosted By Anime
Which HuniePop Girl is Perfect For You?
Which HuniePop Girl is Perfect For You?
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What Sonic-X Character Are You?
What Sonic-X Character Are You?
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What Ace Attorney Character Are You?
What Ace Attorney Character Are You?
Hosted By Anime
Which Mew Mew Are You Most Like?
Which Mew Mew Are You Most Like?
Hosted By Anime
What K-ON! Band Character Are You?
What K-ON! Band Character Are You?
Hosted By Anime
Which Warrior Clan Would You Be In?
Which Warrior Clan Would You Be In?
Hosted By Anime
What Harvest Moon Girl Are You?
What Harvest Moon Girl Are You?
Hosted By Anime
Which Touhou Protagonist Are You Mostly Like?
Which Touhou Protagonist Are You Mostly Like?
Hosted By Anime
Which Soul Eater Character Are You Most Like?
Which Soul Eater Character Are You Most Like?
Hosted By Anime
Which Nichijou Character Are You?
Which Nichijou Character Are You?
Hosted By Anime
Which Invader Zim Character Are You?
Which Invader Zim Character Are You?
Hosted By Anime

Your immortal lover would be...


Wisdom is something mortal men chase all their lives. You have a tendency to be in love with the unattainable, with what is greater than yourself. You are inspired by your lovers, and in some way they change you.

Want your own? Visit!

I am emmental cheese!
I am a Banette!

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A dog's nose print is unique, much like a person's fingerprint.

Want your own? Visit!

fun facts


therian: big eyed thresher, flame point siamese cat

objectkin: ball jointed doll, alien robot*

otherkin: spotted hyena, virginia oppossum, honey badger

fictionkin: this one is hard due to identity issues lol. zim (invader zim), garrus vakarian, and lain iwakura are the major ones at the moment.

*sometimes more than kin but i don't feel like divulging why here

what i'm currently up to...

watching... golden kamuy (3rd rewatch, slowly)

reading... american psycho

playing... mass effect 2 (my shepard :3), mass effect andromeda

my neighbors and pals!

'Planet Pearlia Site!
spacemadness button

neighbors w/o buttons bulbasaurcharmander squirtle caterpie weedle


special interests: mass effect, sharks, pokemon, house m.d., parasitology, 90s-00s animation (especially spongebob and invader zim), music

music: harley poe, machine girl, of Montreal, AJJ, aphex twin, goreshit, my dead girlfriend, mass of fermenting dregs, lustsickpuppy, radiohead, gezebelle gaburgably, pat the bunny, the taxpayers, nmesh, death's dynamic shroud, clams casino, ruby my dear, rory in early 20s, nero's day at disneyland, black dresses, the smiths, tears for fears, oneohtrix point never, crystal castles, 100 gecs, filmmaker, slipknot, the front bottoms, a lot more. i pretty much listen to a bit from every genre

video games: spyro original trilogy, minecraft, noita, the binding of isaac, sonic, limbus company, yume nikki, many yume nikki fangames, OFF, space funeral, undertale, slime rancher, subnautica, love live, tycoon type games, a handful of indie RPGmaker horror games

TV shows/Anime: buffy, monster high, ben 10 OG, serial experiments lain, golden kamuy, lucky star, show by rock, chainsaw man, bleach, metalocalypse, danny phantom, bubblegum crisis tokyo 2040, blue seed, bandori, love live, a lot more stuff i can't think of rn

movies: ghibli movies, american psycho, donnie darko, sorry to bother you, nightcrawler, akira

hobbies: making kandi, html/css, making perler, drawing
my music taste is abysmal but my dick is gigantic i wish squids were real objectum axolotl totoro bus stop scene no cops at pride i'm cringe AJJ knife man album you are wrong. source: common sense in my brain my fursona has fleas just according to keikaku polyamorous this machine kills fascists gif from ten faced mv rei ayanami i love trans headcanons aqua teen hunger force
6teen fan house watcher nature lover cartoon network fan sonic fan invader zim fan firefox user


1. Do you like blue cheese? never tried it, i will one day
2. Have you ever smoked a cigarette? yep
3.Do you own a gun? nope
4. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? i have never been to sonic
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? yeap
6. Do you like hot-dogs? only sometimes
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? coffee or something else hot
9. Can you do push-ups? nope
10. What’s your favorite meal? currently katsudon
11. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? lapis lazuli necklace
12. Favorite hobby? drawing
13. Do you work with people who idolize you? nope
14. Name a trait that you hate about yourself? how much i've regressed
15. Middle name? penis
16. Name 3 thoughts at this moment: i'm hungry, i'm bored, i should get food
17. Name 3 things you bought yesterday: weed and edibles
18. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink: pink lemonade, mountain dew, pepsi
19. Current worry right now? money
20. Current hate right now? how i cannot avoid taylor swift
21. Favorite place to be? wherever my bf is
22. How did you bring in New Years? i don't remember lol
23. Favorite place to go? aquariums
24. What is your most recurring dream? a nightmare involving child murder
25. Introvert or extrovert? introvert
26. What color shirt are you wearing? grey t shirt with the kanto starters
27. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? never tried it
28. Can you whistle? yes
29. Favorite color? ourple
30. Would you be a pirate? nah probably not
. What songs do you sing in the shower? nothing as of late
32. Favorite girl’s name? aria
33. Favorite boy’s name? aurelio
34. Who is your loudest friend? me since my voice is loud
35. What’s in your pocket right now? i have no pockets
36. Last thing that made you laugh? a meme
37. Bed sheets as a child? i don't remember
38. Worst injury you’ve ever had? probably the cut i got when i was 3 that needed stitches
39. Do you love where you live? it's whatever
40. How many TVs are in your house? three
41. What is your worst habit? chronic stoner
42. How many dogs do you have? none
43. Does someone have a crush on you? i'd hope my boyfriend does
44. Do you own slippers? nope
45. What is your favorite book? the poisonwood bible
46. What is your favorite candy? nerds gummy clusters
47. What is your favorite sports team? cleveland caveliers
48. What song do you want played at your funeral? crazy frog axel f
49. What were you doing at 12 AM last night? probably just browsing the web
50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? i don't remember
survey source


A - Age?: 20s
B - Best Friend?: my bf and my irl jess
C - Car You Drive?: 2001 saturn something
D - Day or Night?: night
E - Easiest Person To Talk To?: my boyfriend
F - Food (Favorite)?: lasagna or katsudon
G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms?: worms
H - Hair Color (Favorite)?: mine is dirty blonde, i like being bright yellow
I - Ice Cream (Favorite)?: coffee
J - Juice (Favorite)?: sparkling grape
K - Kids (Do You Have Any)?: nope
L - Longest Relationship?: current one: 3 years strong
M - Movie Last Watched?: the boy and the heron
N - Name?: halcyon
O - Outgoing?: ehhhh
P - Pizza Toppings (Favorite)?: i just get cheese
Q - Quote (Favorite)?: the universe is a dark place, i'm trying to make it brighter before i die
R - Right-Handed or Left-Handed?: ambi
S - Season (Favorite)?: spring i guess
T - TV Show Last Watched?: amazing race
U - University (Did You Go)?: no
V - Vacation (Last)?: lmao i am too poor. i guess NYC for senior year?
W - Worst Habit?: not being able to maintain self care
X - X-Rays (Ever Had Any)?: a few. mainly dental
Y - Year You Were Born?sometime around the year 2000
Z - Zodiac Sign?: taurus sun and moon, gemini rising
A to Z Survey (26 Questions) -- Made by Jody Marie ✿


more tba later ^.^



this user is stuck in the early internet
this user wears their mask
this user is a bearer of the curse
this user is interested in mycology
this user is punk
this user is not interested in being polite nor cis
this user is a kitty cat and they dance dance dance and they dance dance dance
god this user wishes that were them
this user is just kind of here
this intersex user wants 'tme/tma' users to go away
this user loves to monch lemons
this user is not normal about music
this user is a proud object kisser
this user selfships with obscure media
this user does not support genocide and stands with palestine
this user is comfortable with being called queer
this user believes in sex
this user hopes all TERFs have a bad day
this user is not human in any way
this user is going to make it through this year if it kills them
this user is very beautiful. very powerful.
this user is a god
this user loves strawberries
this user is alterhuman
this user will beat the shit out of ableists
this user loves plushies/stuffed animals
this user prefers cartoons to live action shows
this user might not be recovered yet, but is getting there at their own pace
this userlost their youth to mental illness and trauma and is trying to make it up now
my pokesona;