mass effect is a game franchise created by bioware. it has a trilogy along with one spin off game. the games have some real strengths and real weaknesses, but overall i adore each and every single game this franchise has to offer. i grew up watching my sister play it, played it immediately once i was able to, and have loved it ever since. the universe it builds and the aliens really intrigue me. i can spend hours both in game and on wikis reading up about them and what all is listed in the codex.

my favorite part of the games is definitely the characters. i love almost every character, and if i don't there are plenty i still find intriguing. i can count on one hand how many characters i do not care about at all. i am so glad i now have the games on PC, because with the power of mods i can experience gay cut romances. i am currently doing a mshep run to romance thane ^_^ he's my absolute favorite.

my favorite hub world is probably omega. i love the aesthetics of it, i've always loved slums portrayed in sci-fi settings. perhaps because i grew up poor lol. regardless, i just like omega. very fun to explore, very memorable, probably my favorite place to visit during mass effect 2.

i usually do paragon runs. i try to do renegade runs but my morals are too strong and i suck at roleplaying in video games-- so i do more self inserty stuff. my favorite loyalty mission is probably kasumi's. i think she's a fun character and while the heist mechanics are eh, i appreciate the attempt to break from the general mission mold.

i do also enjoy andromeda, the black sheep of the franchise. i can understand why it had such a shit release, i was mad too, but after the patches i've grown to really enjoy the game. the combat is fun, the companions are fun, and i love ryder as a protagonist. i like shepard too, but i can relate more to the casual explorer than i can a hardened soldier. my favorite companion from andromeda is jaal. i just adore the space cat.

as for my favorite planet in andromeda, i think that would have to be havarl. i got lost on it often, but damn is it pretty. the aesthetics definitely make up for how badly i got turned around in that jungle (which i kind of liked in a way. felt like a realistic jungle to get lost in).

i love mass effect so much. i am very tentatively excited for the next installment. hope you enjoyed my disjointed rambling!