shipping, syscourse, very online discourse in general

so, i am rather vocal about my disdain for topics such as these. i find them to be rather unproductive, unnuanced, and way more of a headache than anyone should willingly expose themselves to. i am neutral on all of them because so many do not take into account just how much nuance there is. for endos, their existence does nothing to harm me. i would rather not talk system shit with them, but they do 0 harm. i have known very nice endos who were doing no harm. a grand majority recognize they are different from trauma systems (at least once they're adults) and don't try to force sameness. yes, there are a few vocal bad actors, but most are just people trying to live their life.

now with shipping, this has started to impact me as people are putting shipping morals on kinks. which is wild to me. kinks and fictional ships should be kept miles apart in debates. what two consenting adults do in the bedroom does not impact you. even if you feel repulsed by a kink, you do not have to partake. i feel the internet has forgotten the eternal art of "don't like? don't look". me, personally, i have some problematic pairings with my OCs. they aren't glamorized, nothing like that, they're as messy and gross as they should be. to antis, however, just portraying it is enough to label you a "freak". drawing feral furries can even get you labelled as such. trying to thought police people is a really bad thing. i don't like pro shippers who insist on making things cutesy, adorable, etc., but many are mentally ill people who are trying to cope. i have my share of unhealthy coping mechanisms, i'm not going to bully other people for coping in unsavory fashions. no, i do not like pedophilia, incest, etc; but to strip it from fiction entirely means to deny it happens at all in reality. there are appropriate ways to portray things, people would rather forget nuance and go to one end or the other on this issue it seems however.